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Even if you meet all of the requirements for DBE certification, you may not necessarily want to apply for certification if you won’t benefit from the program. To decide whether you should apply, you should first determine if you meet the requirements for DBE certification. (read more)




The ACDBE Program is similar to the DBE program in that it is a Department of Transportation (DOT) program designed to level the playing field for small businesses who wish to participate in contracting opportunities at airports. (read more)




At DBE Direct, we receive calls every day from individuals who seek SBA 8(a) certification. Click here for answers to some of the frequently asked questions that we receive.




Minorities in the United States are owning and operating 8 to 9 million firms. That revenue amounts to almost $2 trillion annually. There's a program for every disadvantaged business in the United States. Find out which one is right for you and get Instant Access to our guide.




According to the SBA, benefits for Veteran Owned Small Businesses include:

  • Preference for VA contracts over all other types of business

  • 3% government-wide contracting goal

  • Eligibility for veteran set aside contracts from any agency

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A $3 trillion economic force! 

Over the last few years we have received scores of calls and have been retained by numerous women business owners attempting to certify their firms as Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) or Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (ACDBE). Often these firms are either facing difficulties attempting to get certified or have been decertified for a number of reasons. Here is a link to how you can benefit!


Why Businesses Hire Us to Complete Their Certification Applications?

We Get Right The First Time!

Jeff Cazeau, Esq_edited.jpg

Read About
Jeff P. H. Cazeau

Dear business owner(s),

I’m Jeff Cazeau. For years now I’ve been helping business owners just like you obtain government contracts with federal, state and local government entities. I’ve written this Free, No-Obligation DBE certification guide in order to help business owners like you better understand the DOT DBE certification program. The guide is based on my experience as a government contracts attorney who specializes in preparing DBE Applications and defending qualified and eligible applicants when their applications are denied for any reason. 

"Clients call on me to assist them..."

You should click here BEFORE you pay any money to a DBE consultant and BEFORE you mail out your DBE application! If you are not sure whether your company qualifies for the DBE certification, you definitely need to click here now for much needed information.

Angela Reyes-Santana, MST_edited.png

Read About
Angela Reyes-Santana

Hello and welcome. 

I am Angela Santana. I have practiced in finance since 2006 and am an accounting and tax expert. In the DBE application process, it's typical for applicants to have questions about the financial documents necessary for certification filing. My experience in corporate business and government provides a unique advantage to those who find themselves needing that critical second opinion, regardless of the industry and type of business at hand.

"I've become an asset to business owners..."

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Feel 100% confident! We will provide support in all of your certification needs. Already have a DBE certification? Look into Interstate DBE Certification and send us an email.

**Special Limited Time Opportunity **

Call us today at (786) 390-5709 & schedule a FREE 15 minutes, completely confidential consultation about your certification(s).

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  • Do I need to be 8(a) certified to do business with the federal government?
    SBA 8(a) certification (or any other certification for that matter) is not a requirement for doing business with the federal government. The 8(a) program is a resource for small businesses seeking business development assistance. The program helps neutralize the playing field by allowing small businesses to compete for government contracts against similarly situated small businesses. In some cases, certified companies can win contracts without competing. Other program benefits include tutoring, procurement assistance, training and other assistance. However, if you do not qualify for SBA 8(a) or other certifications, you are not precluded from bidding for government contracts.
  • Does getting certified guarantee that I receive a government contract?
    No. Getting your business certified is just one step toward obtaining a government contract. Once you get certified, you must market your business and your products to the agencies that purchase your service or product. In many cases, we advise our clients not to get certified because they are not in a position to benefit from the 8(a) Business Development Program either because they are too small, too inexperienced or simply do not have the financial strength to undertake a marketing program effectively.
  • How long does it take to get certified?
    It depends. Once the SBA's regional Division of Certification and Program Eligibility (DPCE) determines that your application is complete, a final decision regarding 8 (a) eligibility is required to be made within 90 days. However, this does not take into account the amount of time it will take you to go through all the steps to complete your certification application, such as determining your NAICS code, obtaining your DUNS number, registering with the System for Award Management (SAM - formerly known as Central Contractor Record- CCR), collect your documents, complete the application, sign and notarize them when necessary, etc., etc., etc. We have literally met people who have put things off for years because they just didn't know where to start. We have also seen people spend months dealing with the submission of incomplete applications and the questions that come up.
  • How much does it cost to get certified?
    If you prepare your application yourself, it shouldn’t cost you anything other than your time and effort. However, if you hire a consultant to prepare your application, it can cost you several thousand dollars. At DBE Direct, although we are a law and accounting firm, our prices are competitive with many of the consultants you will find. Besides, our knowledge of the 8(a) program includes one added benefit when retaining us to prepare your application: our price includes a free appeal in the event that your application is denied. Since appeals require much more work on our part, it is our policy not to take on any client seeking certification unless we determine it will be done successfully or we believe we can successfully appeal a potential denial.
  • I’ve been in business less than two years, can I still obtain 8(a) certification?"
    The rules governing the program require you to be in business for more than two years. You can obtain a waiver if you meet certain criteria. However, we often counsel our clients not to get a two year waiver. First, they often don’t qualify. Second, many times if the business is less than two-years old the company is not in the position to take full advantage of the 8(a) program. Many times we help our clients determine if other alternatives exist that allow them to participate in government contract opportunities without getting the 8(a) certification. This may mean getting the company certified through another program or helping the client team or subcontract with other companies.
  • Will getting 8(a) certified help me get business at the state and local level or from private corporations?
    It may if the state or local government or private corporation accepts the 8(a) certification as a tool to meet its small business contracting goals. However, in our experience, 8(a) certification is really only accepted at the federal level by those agencies that use the certification to help them meet their small business contracting goal. If your goal is to obtain business at the state or local level or from private corporations there may be other certifications more suitable to helping you reach your goal. At DBE Direct, we pride ourselves on our knowledge of small business certifications and helping our clients choose and apply for the certification that most closely aligns with their goals.
  • Does getting more than one certification (i.e. Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business, Women Owned Small Business, etc.) make me more eligible to get government contracts?"
    In our experience, no. Agencies will not award a contract to your company solely because it is 8(a) certified, women-owned or whatever. Agencies hire firms that provide goods and/or services that they need. If you are 8(a) certified, women or veteran-owned then you also provide the additionally benefit of helping that agency meet its small business contracting goals, but they won’t award a contract to your firm for that reason alone.
  • I’m not a minority (veteran or woman) but my wife (or husband) is. Can I make her (or him) the majority owner of the company and get certified?
    This is a tricky question. First, the 8(a) certification program, like most small business certification programs, require that the company be owned and controlled by the person who qualifies the business as an 8(a) firm. Simply handing over 51% ownership to your spouse or anyone else does not give them control of the company as shown in the company’s financial and business records. From time to time we have assisted individuals who have legitimately transferred their business to their spouse or another individual. We have helped the new owners establish control of the company and meet the requirements to obtain certification. Each case is different. If you are in this situation we strongly urge to contact us.
  • Can my 8(a) certification expire?
    Yes. The SBA 8(a) Business Development program only lasts 9 years. After 9 years the firm graduates from the program and is no longer able to participate as an 8(a) firm. However, your firm can also face early termination or early graduation from the 8(a) program. You will know that a determination to terminate or early graduate your firm has been made by the SBA’s Director, Office of Business Development when you receive a Notification of Early Graduation or Termination. Once you receive the Notice you have 45 days to appeal the termination or graduation. If you do not appeal, the termination or graduation becomes the SBA’s final decision, effective on the forty-fifth day. We urge any business facing early termination or early graduation to contact us at DBE Direct to assist you with your appeal.



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